Purchasing a new home often marks the beginning of a fresh start for most people. It’s a sign of great things to come, a chance to welcome new opportunities and challenges.
Are you moving into a new home? Before you start moving in boxes, here are five things you need to do before moving into a new home.
1. Plan with your Maryland moving company
When your offer is first accepted, the next step is to plan how you’re going to move your belongings from one house to the other. You may decide to ask friends and family members to help or you may rent a moving truck.
If you have two or more people living with you, your best bet is to hire a Maryland moving company to help you move your possessions. This will make your transition easier, and it will take a lot of the stress out of moving. Your Maryland movers will handle moving both boxes and furniture.
If you need help packing, your Maryland moving company may even provide this service per an additional cost. Depending on your schedule, you may need help packing, so book your Maryland movers first to ensure that packing and moving is a smooth process.
2. Change exterior locks
The last thing you want is to have extra keys to your home floating around. Though your seller may be a reputable person, you never know whom he or she gave the keys to. Maybe the previous owner had a dog walker, cleaning person or friends with keys – keys that still work on your doors.
Before your Maryland movers get to your home, change all the locks on the exterior doors to your new home.
3. Start painting
Chances are your new home is not just how you want it. You might want to change a light fixture or paint a room.
If you have the opportunity, paint rooms before you move your belongings in. This will make it easier to maneuver around the room as you paint, and you won’t have to worry about getting paint on your furniture. This is also a good time to inspect the walls and ceilings for any cracks. If you find any, call in a professional immediately. You don’t want those cracks coming back to haunt you years from now.
4. Call a mechanic
Sure, your furnace looks like it’s in good condition, but how do you know? If you don’t know the last time your furnace or air conditioner was properly cleaned and serviced, now is the time to have them looked at.
A good mechanic will check for any immediate problems and tell you what you can expect from your major appliances. He or she will also clean them for you. This can save you a shock down the line. If you know your furnace has another 10 years on it, then you’ll have time to save for a new one. It’ll be less of a financial shock when it has to be replaced.
5. Get organized
Moving into a new home is the chance to start fresh and organized. Before your Maryland movers roll in, make sure you have the right organizers and bins to keep clutter off your countertops and coffee tables.
Be sure to pick up:
– Shoe racks for doors
– Plastic bins and tubs for storing seasonal clothing, toys or another other big items
– Cloth bins or baskets for additional storage
– Wall hooks
– Drawer dividers
– Additional shelves
Tell us, what do you think is the most important thing to do before your Maryland moving company helps you move into a new home?